Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lost & Found

I know that I have not been posting lately, due to the fact that I am actually in a secluded place with broadband, but this kind of broadband seems to be slower than the normal 56k connection.

For all of you who do not know where I am, listen:

I'm under a scholarship. JPA. UK. Whether or not I get into universities there remains as a question. Before I could study medicine in the UK, I will have to undergo a preparatory course, like all of you guys. Oh no, I'm NOT doing A-Levels...but International Baccalaureate (IB). The recognition of the system? I have no idea. But from past records, I think that I have a very slim chance of getting into Oxbridge, since no one from this college (Kolej MARA Banting) got to Oxford before, and as for Cambridge, only 1-3 people get admitted into that university yearly from KMB.

As for KYUEM, where its students study A-Levels, 7 got into Cambridge, 2 into Oxford, 20++ into London School of Economics, and 40++ into Imperial College. Sigh......

Is it because of their facilities?
Is it because of their course?
Or are they just plain better?


Ok, back to my introduction after being asleep for eternity.
I'm in Kolej MARA Banting...studying. For details on the state of this place, it is best for you to ask Yin Ling (Lolilo). I've already altered my blog post to avoid myself from being expelled by KMB, and after that, JPA. I don't want to see my scholarship to fly away because of this college. I MUST, and I MUST, go through this challenge.

Huhuhuhu. This week I will go to my auntie's house to regain my sanity after undergoing a 2-week marathon here. Till next time, my dearest friends. Take care and best of luck!


^newhopes^ said...

Take this as a challenge lar. ENTER Oxbridge with your IB. KMB is the best IB centre on Earth lar...what do you expect? University of Mars?

Take this challenge with me. I want to be the first Taylors student who set foot into UCL (University College of London) for marine engineering...hahaha.

hannna said...

IB is quite a good programme actually. INTERNATIONALLY recognized ok.why medicine in oxbridge anyway?anyhoos, alevs or no alevels, OXBRIDGE, is DAMN HARD to get in. so it really doesn't matter which college you go to or which programme you do.

p/s to newhopes UCL is real easy to get into compared to oxbridge.

peter t.s.k. said...

apek , cant get into UK universities join me for indon la ok? :P

nh said...

Patrick, aiming high is good. But don't give yourself too much pressure yea.

Patrick Leong said...


Yes, that's my aim and my dream.
So, I'll do my best to get in..
But i guess i don't wanna get into Oxford anymore. Cambridge #1 priority...

Because Oxford isn't good for medicine.
Hohohoho. No oxford.