Inspired by Lilo, I posted this entry to our co-owned blog.
Ushering in year 2006,
More challenges await,
Be brave and be tough,
And you'll be fine.
No rhyming. No specific number of syllables in each line. Just a show-off of pure freedom.
Join in the fun, folks.
Happy New Year
A Jot By A Sot
Friday, December 30, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
you tell me things willl get easier every day.
Yesterday I sat next to you in the dark theatre, our legs barely touching. You murmured comments into my ear that I couldn't help but laugh at. We did the same a few months ago.
Yesterday I saw you as before. You see, what I felt for you, I still do. I watch you with the other girls. And I let you go. A new hair cut, a new lifestyle. Nothing has changed.
Yesterday I sat next to you in the dark theatre, our legs barely touching. It whetted my apetite for more.
Yesterday I saw you as before. You see, what I felt for you, I still do. I watch you with the other girls. And I let you go. A new hair cut, a new lifestyle. Nothing has changed.
Yesterday I sat next to you in the dark theatre, our legs barely touching. It whetted my apetite for more.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Holiday Trip
hey friends, how were your holiday?
I went for a trip to Penang on 8th - 10th December.
If you want to know about the trip, you can read my blog ya ^^
as it's a very very long blog, so... it's better to read in my blog ler
share your holiday (if you are in holiday now.. haha) activity ya~
I went for a trip to Penang on 8th - 10th December.
If you want to know about the trip, you can read my blog ya ^^
as it's a very very long blog, so... it's better to read in my blog ler
share your holiday (if you are in holiday now.. haha) activity ya~
Monday, December 05, 2005
I am embracing myself for a shocking change in a friend's blog. The change, I foresee, is a positive transformation. I have been expecting the best from this friend (not going to use a pronoun so the gender will not be disclosed). Hope that I will not be let down this time. By the way, my instinct tells me that should this post be read by that friend, he/she will soon know I am talking about him/her. My sixth sense is rarely inaccurate.
Note: This post is quite abstract I know. But sometimes it is best to keep the crucial details until the very last minute.
A Jot By A Sot
Note: This post is quite abstract I know. But sometimes it is best to keep the crucial details until the very last minute.
A Jot By A Sot
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Malaysia 1 Ringgit Coin
hey friends, have you finished using all the RM 1 coin?
Bank Negara Malaysia would like to remind members of the public that the RM1 coin will cease to be legal tender effective from 7 December 2005.
hehe.. this is just a small reminder to remind all to use the coin as fast as possibley by 6th December oh...but if we want to keep some coins for collection also not bad huh~since each coin just cost RM1 haha
a comic from The Star:
Bank Negara Malaysia would like to remind members of the public that the RM1 coin will cease to be legal tender effective from 7 December 2005.
hehe.. this is just a small reminder to remind all to use the coin as fast as possibley by 6th December oh...but if we want to keep some coins for collection also not bad huh~since each coin just cost RM1 haha
a comic from The Star:

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Open and Honest
Why can't people be more open and honest when dealing with relationship? Even an often-considered-trivial relationship must be treasured. By saying so, I am talking about friendship and ties of family members. Usually, in their attempts to please their special someone, people tend to forget about those who have been by their sides all this while.
Pardon me for whining in this post. I long to have a night when all members of KST gang come together again. Is that possible?
By the way, the 1st and 2nd paragraph are actually not related at all...
All my scattered ideas are pouring out. I can't help it. I need to be heard.
A Jot By A Sot
Pardon me for whining in this post. I long to have a night when all members of KST gang come together again. Is that possible?
By the way, the 1st and 2nd paragraph are actually not related at all...
All my scattered ideas are pouring out. I can't help it. I need to be heard.
A Jot By A Sot
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
How to get into the circle?
Ever heard of holograms? They are sometimes known as cheating device. Why? It's because you think the obstacle is not there and you walk towards it, just to be hit by the obstacle. It's also sometimes called invisible deterrent. Why? You can't see it but something is stopping you from advancing further....something you can't see with your naked eyes. But the most suitable name for it is virtual barrier. Why? It's because you can go further but with very great difficulties and it's normally invisible.
I have a lot of friends from Taylor's and why not? I have ReComers here and one friend leads me to another. I know many people here as well. However, that's always the limit - knowing and identifying. I have not advance any further and I wondered why. After some serious thinking and analysis, I finally got my answer and the answer was not obtained through formulas and equations ( I am not that eccentric yet). Here's the answer :
I am waiting for my bus in front of college yesterday. I looked around me (I am alone, as usual)...a small group of JPA Chinese boys are talking to each other and one of the boys is also talking to a Malay girl (JPA scholar). All of them are studying SAM. Then, I saw a group of JPA ICPU students talking to each other. Two are Chinese and most others are Malay. A small of Petronas scholars studying ICPU are also talking to each other. The group is a mixture of guys and girls.
Another independent event:
I am in the class waiting for Mathematics teacher to come. The class was divided as usual. Christine and Dian were sitting together. Mike, Eugene sat together. Dave, Siew Kiat and Vivek sat together. Akram was chatting with Mike and Eugene. Khashafiq and Salman and Rahim sat together. Salaamin, Fakhruddin and Hamedullah sat together. Maryam and Nadya sat together. Inseparable pair, Sook Mei and Xiao Hong sat together. Yuk Chang and Shu Hao will always sit together. These pairs in class, unless under very rare occasions, will always stay together, creating blocs in class. Oh yeah, what about me? I will be alone, striking conversations occasionally with some of them.
Next independent event :
I am in my scholarship friends' apartment. All seven of them are Malays and all of them live together. When I went there, rather than expecting any welcome, I will obtain nothing, as though no one has walked into the apartment. However, one of them is very friendly though. ONE....out of seven.
Last independent event :
I know a Chinese guy IC-Chinese guy. Why I call him IC-Chinese guy? Because he's only Chinese in his IC. He's from KYS and he's behaving like a classic Malay who stayed in a hostel for 5 years. His very very close bond with all the Malay scholars is not a problem (in fact, it's good...because of racial integration), but his action is the complete reverse against Chinese or Indian scholars (no Indian btw.) My friend and I (Chinese) often received cold stares from him, as if we did whack him before. I have never meet such people before. My friend even make a joke (just a joke) : IF he becomes the MCA president, even Yap Ah Loy will rise up to oppose him! I daresay he gives me a very bad impression of KYS....shame on him.
Ok, after all the events (true events), what is my conclusion? The first problem is about scholarship. Scholars from the same scholarship agencies often flock together (observe first example). They don't tend to know people from other scholarship agencies. However, for cases such as us (MISC scholars and also Telekom scholars), our group is so small that we need to interact with others.
Some made it through the first obstacle and some don't(including me). Why? The second reason is race. In this 21st century, race is still a separator. Scholars of the same race tend to make cliques. With all these tight cliques around, how can I make close friends here? Even within my own ring of 12 MISC scholars, the clique was seen. Malay guys mix with Malay guys. Chinese girls mix with Chinese girls. Malay girls mix with Malay girls. Even between Chinese, Chinese-speaking Chinese mix with Chinese speaking Chinese. English speaking Chinese mix with English speaking Chinese. What kind of culture is this?
The problem is not with the government....the problem is not with the education system...the problem is not with the teachers....the problem is with ourselves! Our mindset and vision is tuned so that we will focus on our "same kind" of people only. Once we don't change, we will no longer just see trading blocs, but people of different religions will live in different parts of the world and take up different jobs, just like the Colonialism era.
I have a lot of friends from Taylor's and why not? I have ReComers here and one friend leads me to another. I know many people here as well. However, that's always the limit - knowing and identifying. I have not advance any further and I wondered why. After some serious thinking and analysis, I finally got my answer and the answer was not obtained through formulas and equations ( I am not that eccentric yet). Here's the answer :
I am waiting for my bus in front of college yesterday. I looked around me (I am alone, as usual)...a small group of JPA Chinese boys are talking to each other and one of the boys is also talking to a Malay girl (JPA scholar). All of them are studying SAM. Then, I saw a group of JPA ICPU students talking to each other. Two are Chinese and most others are Malay. A small of Petronas scholars studying ICPU are also talking to each other. The group is a mixture of guys and girls.
Another independent event:
I am in the class waiting for Mathematics teacher to come. The class was divided as usual. Christine and Dian were sitting together. Mike, Eugene sat together. Dave, Siew Kiat and Vivek sat together. Akram was chatting with Mike and Eugene. Khashafiq and Salman and Rahim sat together. Salaamin, Fakhruddin and Hamedullah sat together. Maryam and Nadya sat together. Inseparable pair, Sook Mei and Xiao Hong sat together. Yuk Chang and Shu Hao will always sit together. These pairs in class, unless under very rare occasions, will always stay together, creating blocs in class. Oh yeah, what about me? I will be alone, striking conversations occasionally with some of them.
Next independent event :
I am in my scholarship friends' apartment. All seven of them are Malays and all of them live together. When I went there, rather than expecting any welcome, I will obtain nothing, as though no one has walked into the apartment. However, one of them is very friendly though. ONE....out of seven.
Last independent event :
I know a Chinese guy IC-Chinese guy. Why I call him IC-Chinese guy? Because he's only Chinese in his IC. He's from KYS and he's behaving like a classic Malay who stayed in a hostel for 5 years. His very very close bond with all the Malay scholars is not a problem (in fact, it's good...because of racial integration), but his action is the complete reverse against Chinese or Indian scholars (no Indian btw.) My friend and I (Chinese) often received cold stares from him, as if we did whack him before. I have never meet such people before. My friend even make a joke (just a joke) : IF he becomes the MCA president, even Yap Ah Loy will rise up to oppose him! I daresay he gives me a very bad impression of KYS....shame on him.
Ok, after all the events (true events), what is my conclusion? The first problem is about scholarship. Scholars from the same scholarship agencies often flock together (observe first example). They don't tend to know people from other scholarship agencies. However, for cases such as us (MISC scholars and also Telekom scholars), our group is so small that we need to interact with others.
Some made it through the first obstacle and some don't(including me). Why? The second reason is race. In this 21st century, race is still a separator. Scholars of the same race tend to make cliques. With all these tight cliques around, how can I make close friends here? Even within my own ring of 12 MISC scholars, the clique was seen. Malay guys mix with Malay guys. Chinese girls mix with Chinese girls. Malay girls mix with Malay girls. Even between Chinese, Chinese-speaking Chinese mix with Chinese speaking Chinese. English speaking Chinese mix with English speaking Chinese. What kind of culture is this?
The problem is not with the government....the problem is not with the education system...the problem is not with the teachers....the problem is with ourselves! Our mindset and vision is tuned so that we will focus on our "same kind" of people only. Once we don't change, we will no longer just see trading blocs, but people of different religions will live in different parts of the world and take up different jobs, just like the Colonialism era.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
may HER soul rest in peace
The Prime Minister's wife Datin Seri Endon Mahmood died at 7.55 am today at the Prime Minister's official residence in Putrajaya after fighting a long battle with cancer.Endon, 64, breathed her last about 18 days after returning from undergoing a treatment for breast cancer in Los Angeles, United States. -- The Star
sigh... what a shocked + sadden news to me ......
Few days ago, I read in newspaper stated that her health is getting better, after returning form US, for the celebration of Hari Raya Puasa...
I wonder, if she didn't come back to Malaysia and stayed at US in hospital, would she die?
suddenly... hard to describe my mood now... ah...
I was listening to radio right after I reached home (back from school, it was a boring school day today also, just had 3 periods of chemistry and none of the others..), and I found it weird that there were only music... midi... there was no any songs............
then, I was reading the forum, Recom... and saw a thread named "passing away of Datin Seri Endon"...while listening to the sadden music, I was reading the news...
so... at that moment... feeling want to cry... ah..... just a sudden moment
this is such a big loss to our dear Prime Minister, try to imagine, what's the feeling of losing the dearest companion... who had been by your side for such a long time, shared your happiness and sadness... up and downs...
Malaysians, we've lost a gread lady... who possesses good attitudes and a kind heart
sigh... what a shocked + sadden news to me ......
Few days ago, I read in newspaper stated that her health is getting better, after returning form US, for the celebration of Hari Raya Puasa...
I wonder, if she didn't come back to Malaysia and stayed at US in hospital, would she die?
suddenly... hard to describe my mood now... ah...
I was listening to radio right after I reached home (back from school, it was a boring school day today also, just had 3 periods of chemistry and none of the others..), and I found it weird that there were only music... midi... there was no any songs............
then, I was reading the forum, Recom... and saw a thread named "passing away of Datin Seri Endon"...while listening to the sadden music, I was reading the news...
so... at that moment... feeling want to cry... ah..... just a sudden moment
this is such a big loss to our dear Prime Minister, try to imagine, what's the feeling of losing the dearest companion... who had been by your side for such a long time, shared your happiness and sadness... up and downs...
Malaysians, we've lost a gread lady... who possesses good attitudes and a kind heart
Saturday, October 15, 2005
It's great to see the Blog running again.
Looks like Albert has got the hang of things over there in Taylor's. He knows the place for the cheapest food, and from this blog, looks like he's starting to socialize with more girls. Good for him.
As for Lilo and Sno........I guess they're doing fine in INTEC. Lilo has got one outgoing gang. When I visited her in INTEC, I joined her gang in karaoke-ing, loitering around Sungei Wang Plaza, walking all the way from Bintang Walk to Petaling Street, and then walking to Pudu Raya.
It's like one cross-country walk. Sno, on the other hand, won the first prize in a German Sketch competition. My congratulations to her. She must've put in a lot of effort in that sketch.
As for Peter, he bragged to me that day, saying that he got a 100 marks in his Math exam. In addition, he reinforced it by saying that ONLY 3 people got that. O_o.
Elaine and Kee Huong......I get occasional SMSes from Kee Huong, and I get updates about Elaine through this blog, since she's still in the comfort of her home, hehe.
Daphne........Got news from her brother, who studies at the same college as me. He said, "She's fine."
Me?????? How bout me??
Alright, I've adapted myself to the life here. The food, the tight schedule, the boredom (sometimes), the society, as well as the competitiveness.
It's so difficult to be at the top of the class, although I am occasionally. From all the tests I've done, I can only remember one Math paper in which I got the highest score. 50/60.
Looks like I'll have to buck up, and pull up my socks.
I've discovered ways to entertain me when I'm bored. Firstly, I'll download movies like Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, and Smallville from the internet, and fresh new music as well as podcasts from iTunes. Podcasts are actually radio-like programmes which you can listen to.
I have to admit that those podcasts can significantly raise a person's listening skills, as Americans speak rather quickly in radio shows.
Looks like Albert has got the hang of things over there in Taylor's. He knows the place for the cheapest food, and from this blog, looks like he's starting to socialize with more girls. Good for him.
As for Lilo and Sno........I guess they're doing fine in INTEC. Lilo has got one outgoing gang. When I visited her in INTEC, I joined her gang in karaoke-ing, loitering around Sungei Wang Plaza, walking all the way from Bintang Walk to Petaling Street, and then walking to Pudu Raya.
It's like one cross-country walk. Sno, on the other hand, won the first prize in a German Sketch competition. My congratulations to her. She must've put in a lot of effort in that sketch.
As for Peter, he bragged to me that day, saying that he got a 100 marks in his Math exam. In addition, he reinforced it by saying that ONLY 3 people got that. O_o.
Elaine and Kee Huong......I get occasional SMSes from Kee Huong, and I get updates about Elaine through this blog, since she's still in the comfort of her home, hehe.
Daphne........Got news from her brother, who studies at the same college as me. He said, "She's fine."
Me?????? How bout me??
Alright, I've adapted myself to the life here. The food, the tight schedule, the boredom (sometimes), the society, as well as the competitiveness.
It's so difficult to be at the top of the class, although I am occasionally. From all the tests I've done, I can only remember one Math paper in which I got the highest score. 50/60.
Looks like I'll have to buck up, and pull up my socks.
I've discovered ways to entertain me when I'm bored. Firstly, I'll download movies like Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, and Smallville from the internet, and fresh new music as well as podcasts from iTunes. Podcasts are actually radio-like programmes which you can listen to.
I have to admit that those podcasts can significantly raise a person's listening skills, as Americans speak rather quickly in radio shows.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Finally....the atmosphere is back. Actually I am not THAT busy and distressed. I, in turn has a lot of free time over here (NOT to imply that my studies are sooo good)...but just that the course here is not so hectic...and there's a lot of activities here to unwind at the end of the day...our ECA officers are excellent!! They are very friendly and approachable. I hang out there EVERYday until I am already a regular...sometimes I help them to answer phone calls as well...I hope that you guys/gals found your own entertainment there....clean ones of course...
Since I come to Taylors, ppl around me begin to exert "love pressure"....what I mean is that ppl begins to associate me with GIRLS after GIRLS....just because I am a "little bit" close with them...I am not a romeo, nor a Mr. Cool, nor a buaya!! Lately, after the BRATs camp, one girl from there begin to exchange emails with me...we email each other everyday to talk abt anything under the sun...but one day, my friend saw that and he spread the news once my class members saw me, i will expect some "funny remarks" from them...oh yes, another bad news for elaine....DUNNO how this can happen, but somehow someone here knows abt our KST gang and saw our picture and PETER'S remarks!! So, they begin to think that....u know...ppl begin to think that I have 2,3 gals, etc.....if there's a reason to be distressed, this is the one reason...
Studies are I say in my post three months ago, I want to put myself within the top three of the class. When I first come here, all the class members give me a very good impression until I think that I will be having a hard time. However, eventual exams proved me wrong. Apparently, I still manage to keep myself on the top 3 level. Ok la, since Daphne is so nice for putting her scores, I wil do the same thing (/100 unless stated):
Format : (Test Number)(Marks)(Position in class)
Thinking Skills : (1)(15/16)(1), (2)(13/16)(3), (3)(16/18)(1), (4)(12/18)(3)
Maths : (1)(99)(1), (2)(95)(3), (3)(85)(2)
Physics : (1)(22/30)(2)
Chemistry : (1)(79)(3)
Economics : (1)(24/30)(2), (2)(17/20)(1), (3)(16/20)(1)
That's why I myself don't go online very often. It's not easy at all to maintain that streak...the competition is great because it's a scholars' class. Therefore, I must always buckle up all the time.
Hey, I have a perfect time for meeting:
Date : 10 December 2005
Time : Anytime between morning and afternoon, I don't mind
Venue : Berjaya Times Square
Game? Reply quick! And also, if you guys/gals are free during Raya Break, let's relive that KST pasar will be a perfect chance to do that. See you all!
Since I come to Taylors, ppl around me begin to exert "love pressure"....what I mean is that ppl begins to associate me with GIRLS after GIRLS....just because I am a "little bit" close with them...I am not a romeo, nor a Mr. Cool, nor a buaya!! Lately, after the BRATs camp, one girl from there begin to exchange emails with me...we email each other everyday to talk abt anything under the sun...but one day, my friend saw that and he spread the news once my class members saw me, i will expect some "funny remarks" from them...oh yes, another bad news for elaine....DUNNO how this can happen, but somehow someone here knows abt our KST gang and saw our picture and PETER'S remarks!! So, they begin to think that....u know...ppl begin to think that I have 2,3 gals, etc.....if there's a reason to be distressed, this is the one reason...
Studies are I say in my post three months ago, I want to put myself within the top three of the class. When I first come here, all the class members give me a very good impression until I think that I will be having a hard time. However, eventual exams proved me wrong. Apparently, I still manage to keep myself on the top 3 level. Ok la, since Daphne is so nice for putting her scores, I wil do the same thing (/100 unless stated):
Format : (Test Number)(Marks)(Position in class)
Thinking Skills : (1)(15/16)(1), (2)(13/16)(3), (3)(16/18)(1), (4)(12/18)(3)
Maths : (1)(99)(1), (2)(95)(3), (3)(85)(2)
Physics : (1)(22/30)(2)
Chemistry : (1)(79)(3)
Economics : (1)(24/30)(2), (2)(17/20)(1), (3)(16/20)(1)
That's why I myself don't go online very often. It's not easy at all to maintain that streak...the competition is great because it's a scholars' class. Therefore, I must always buckle up all the time.
Hey, I have a perfect time for meeting:
Date : 10 December 2005
Time : Anytime between morning and afternoon, I don't mind
Venue : Berjaya Times Square
Game? Reply quick! And also, if you guys/gals are free during Raya Break, let's relive that KST pasar will be a perfect chance to do that. See you all!
hou loi mou kin ah!
wah I damn long never update d k. wanna know what I got for maths ahh. maths quiz 1 41/53, maths topic test 1 41/70 and maths quiz 2 41/43. next wednesday maths topic test 2 lorr. so now you understand why I never update lorr. ok bye :P
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
the end of my final exam
yeah.. finished..
overall... I have a habit during exam.. since last 2 years, that is sleeping during exam!eh.. of course the sleeping I mean is after finish answering the papers ~
especially for objective papers, always I just use half of the time given, sometimes even just use quarter of the time!
I did this during last year's SPM also =p
teachers sure ask us to use the time to check.... hmm... I hate to check the papers actually.. but in fact I've checked the papers before I sleep, and I don't like to check few times... lazy ~
but mostly for writing papers or paper 2 of science subjects or Math... surely no time for me to take rest ler.. have to keep writing ...
Math... there are only 7 people pass... if including me
over 24... haha.. not even 1/3 of the class pass...
the papers were given back to us today, and.. the exact marks I got was 39.. so my dear teacher added one more mark to me and let me be one of the "pass member"
our dear teacher was really sad of my class' attitude towards math...
[but I think.. I have good attitude towards math... am I ? hmmmm... just that.. I've been too careless + nervous + managed time badly.., ya.. I'm not giving excuse! I did all the exercises given by teacher!]
[hmm.. so.. can I still tell others that I've never failed before? =.="]
ah... I've been talking about this topic for few days..
after exam... can't be too relax also... =.="I
still got a lot of homework to be completed! oh my... haizzz
mostly are of biology project ! @@
and also society's plans, activities... etc........
overall... I have a habit during exam.. since last 2 years, that is sleeping during exam!eh.. of course the sleeping I mean is after finish answering the papers ~
especially for objective papers, always I just use half of the time given, sometimes even just use quarter of the time!
I did this during last year's SPM also =p
teachers sure ask us to use the time to check.... hmm... I hate to check the papers actually.. but in fact I've checked the papers before I sleep, and I don't like to check few times... lazy ~
but mostly for writing papers or paper 2 of science subjects or Math... surely no time for me to take rest ler.. have to keep writing ...
Math... there are only 7 people pass... if including me
over 24... haha.. not even 1/3 of the class pass...
the papers were given back to us today, and.. the exact marks I got was 39.. so my dear teacher added one more mark to me and let me be one of the "pass member"
our dear teacher was really sad of my class' attitude towards math...
[but I think.. I have good attitude towards math... am I ? hmmmm... just that.. I've been too careless + nervous + managed time badly.., ya.. I'm not giving excuse! I did all the exercises given by teacher!]
[hmm.. so.. can I still tell others that I've never failed before? =.="]
ah... I've been talking about this topic for few days..
after exam... can't be too relax also... =.="I
still got a lot of homework to be completed! oh my... haizzz
mostly are of biology project ! @@
and also society's plans, activities... etc........
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Taking a breath in a marathon
Well, the title says it all, rite? My schedule is BUSY but I can still find time to report myself here. No one ever sends anything here's such a sad situation...but everyone has their hectic life to handle. Just stopping by here since I have the time...
Taylor's is not a easy place. Everyone here is quite brainy and if you don't pay attention, you will be blown away. I just got the second highest in Thinking Skills test today...till now, I am still looking good...but tomorrow there's an Economics Test...and next week, Maths Test and Chemistry test.....tests and tests...
My scrabble competition is up this wil provide me with great challenges...hope that i can walk away with something...
Still remember the 5-way-test that I posted here abt 4 months ago? I think we are STILL doing fine, but we are drifting away...
Ok, finish crapping....
Taylor's is not a easy place. Everyone here is quite brainy and if you don't pay attention, you will be blown away. I just got the second highest in Thinking Skills test today...till now, I am still looking good...but tomorrow there's an Economics Test...and next week, Maths Test and Chemistry test.....tests and tests...
My scrabble competition is up this wil provide me with great challenges...hope that i can walk away with something...
Still remember the 5-way-test that I posted here abt 4 months ago? I think we are STILL doing fine, but we are drifting away...
Ok, finish crapping....
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
photo: Lower Six Science 1 SMKTE

yea.. I like my uniform very much than wearing those light blue one~
this photo was taken on June (if not mistaken~)... and I only got it today haha...
school life.. is really enjoying while busy with syllabus ~
[can see where is me right? the one with 'sweet' smile =p]
[the standing row.. last row also the highest row... , second from left]
Sunday, September 11, 2005
the Meeting

hm... how was the meeting? one word, Short
We've just met each other for few minutes I think, maybe around 10minutes?
as he was in rush for the next scrabble competition~
who else went? Just Albert and me are KST members...
others... let Albert tell better as I don't know them well =p
[hm... ya.. Albert is indeed tall.. or if you want to say I'm too short.. ya.. it's okay, I am indeed a short girl =.="]
oh ya, I think Albert... he spoke very fast.... haha
more in detail things, better wait Albert to tell lar... that's all =p
Im back!
Just to inform that finally my access to both my Blogger blogs are restored.
Now im back in perak to unwind for 4 days before the final midsem paper of biology next saturday.
Sorry I've missed the meeting Albert organized. Maybe we should have a gathering for KST as well... Some time when it suits us all.
Miss chatting and bitching around with u guys esp that one with maileh. Anyhow, life goes on.
Till next time, bye.
P/s : Check out my blog for updates and limkitsiang started a blog!
Now im back in perak to unwind for 4 days before the final midsem paper of biology next saturday.
Sorry I've missed the meeting Albert organized. Maybe we should have a gathering for KST as well... Some time when it suits us all.
Miss chatting and bitching around with u guys esp that one with maileh. Anyhow, life goes on.
Till next time, bye.
P/s : Check out my blog for updates and limkitsiang started a blog!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
failed my chemie test!!
hi albert, don kil me... i might not be going to times square on 10th or 11th...
1. i jus failed my chem test yesterday n i realised that i shud stop going out on weekends for the rest of the semester if i were to catch up with all the schoolwork that i had not bothered to keep up with in the first mid-sem... so, no weekend outings=no going to times square on 10th or 11th
2. i think daphne n eggy or was it lilo n eggy? well, anyway, they can't go either coz they would be home...
so, i'm really sorry, n i know u would be mad since i never attended any of the outings u organised ever since we came down to kl to study... i'm really sorry, sorry sorry sorry, really. wat can i say but sorreeeeeeeeeeee
1. i jus failed my chem test yesterday n i realised that i shud stop going out on weekends for the rest of the semester if i were to catch up with all the schoolwork that i had not bothered to keep up with in the first mid-sem... so, no weekend outings=no going to times square on 10th or 11th
2. i think daphne n eggy or was it lilo n eggy? well, anyway, they can't go either coz they would be home...
so, i'm really sorry, n i know u would be mad since i never attended any of the outings u organised ever since we came down to kl to study... i'm really sorry, sorry sorry sorry, really. wat can i say but sorreeeeeeeeeeee
Monday, August 29, 2005

This is my photo with our ReCom forefront anchors. From left : Syamsul (masterof_none), Hafiz (ReMag's big boss), thirdshifter, chenchow, me and jiinjoo. It was around 7:15pm and I am just back from my BRATs camp in Ipoh...JUST back....can't u guys/gals see that I almost fainted? But I slept at 12:20am...
this is the last true burning letter given to a boy written by a girl living in a world created to destroy
if I gave you a city,
would you let me?
would you tear me down?
but there you go for the last time
I finally know now what I should have known then
that I could still be ruthless if you let me
but there you go and I'm not done
you're waving goodbye, well at least you're having fun
the rising tide will not let you forget me
forget me
would you let me?
would you tear me down?
but there you go for the last time
I finally know now what I should have known then
that I could still be ruthless if you let me
but there you go and I'm not done
you're waving goodbye, well at least you're having fun
the rising tide will not let you forget me
forget me
Sunday, August 28, 2005
the fraser's hill trip

yesterday, I had just back from the fraser's hill 3 days 2 nights trip ^^
yeah, it was so fun >O<
to know more, you can visit my blog:
but it's a super long blog ya
or you can just take a look on my photos there, there is also a link to my friendster photo album.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
it's holidays in intec!
yes, I know I haven been keeping in touch with almost everyone here...sorry *blush
well, I am getting a new phone with a brand new LCD screen soon, so, I think I will start sms-ing u ppl in a few days
nothing much from me
I wanna get a new laptop... anyone wanna accompany me to lowyat? anyone knows how to buy one??
hmm, wat else
oh yea, there's a toblerone bar in my fridge... it's the kind with white chocolate inside the milk chocolate, it's gonna expire in october... if I happen to meet patrick before say 20 of september, I might give it to him, after that, I would probly consume it myself...
erm, can't think of anything else to say at the moment...
ok lar, sms u ppl in a few days
well, I am getting a new phone with a brand new LCD screen soon, so, I think I will start sms-ing u ppl in a few days
nothing much from me
I wanna get a new laptop... anyone wanna accompany me to lowyat? anyone knows how to buy one??
hmm, wat else
oh yea, there's a toblerone bar in my fridge... it's the kind with white chocolate inside the milk chocolate, it's gonna expire in october... if I happen to meet patrick before say 20 of september, I might give it to him, after that, I would probly consume it myself...
erm, can't think of anything else to say at the moment...
ok lar, sms u ppl in a few days
Busy holiday @@
Friday, My class went to biology lab at the first period, and filled our killing jars with ethyl acetate, the chemical fluid to be absorbed by the plaster of parris and evaporate, release the strong smell to kill the insects~
my class is going to Fraser's Hill next Wednesday for a 3 days 2 nights trip.. by our own,
that means there will be no teacher.. no guidance, it is, go by our own risk
~yo.. holidays starts now !!! however, it will be a very busy holiday to me =.="
First, now I have to rush my math T homework (past years questions)(a lot and very hard), because we are going to attend a Math T additional class on coming Monday, a 4 hour class...
then... I think I will be only free on Tuesday but also have to busy preparing for the next day trip...
then only back on Friday night ~.~"(although we can have a lot of fun at Fraser's Hill there ^^)then... actually I have to study chemistry also..
haiz.. I'm left far behind teacher's pace!besides, I also have to finish my biology notes O_O [did few days but still got more than half to study and to do notes]
ohhh my god~and my class teacher ... haiz... she is still not satisfied of what I have done for my class decorations of Merdeka (independant day) ~...
she said, it's not enough to be outstanding among classes... and won't be able to win the decoration contest! She wanted me to put up more and bigger Malaysia Flag... @@"
it made me stressful again... ah....
what a busy holiday !!!!
T_T" feeling want to cry already =p
my class is going to Fraser's Hill next Wednesday for a 3 days 2 nights trip.. by our own,
that means there will be no teacher.. no guidance, it is, go by our own risk
~yo.. holidays starts now !!! however, it will be a very busy holiday to me =.="
First, now I have to rush my math T homework (past years questions)(a lot and very hard), because we are going to attend a Math T additional class on coming Monday, a 4 hour class...
then... I think I will be only free on Tuesday but also have to busy preparing for the next day trip...
then only back on Friday night ~.~"(although we can have a lot of fun at Fraser's Hill there ^^)then... actually I have to study chemistry also..
haiz.. I'm left far behind teacher's pace!besides, I also have to finish my biology notes O_O [did few days but still got more than half to study and to do notes]
ohhh my god~and my class teacher ... haiz... she is still not satisfied of what I have done for my class decorations of Merdeka (independant day) ~...
she said, it's not enough to be outstanding among classes... and won't be able to win the decoration contest! She wanted me to put up more and bigger Malaysia Flag... @@"
it made me stressful again... ah....
what a busy holiday !!!!
T_T" feeling want to cry already =p
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
It's been a long, long time...
since the posting rate here is creditable. Well, everyone have their college works and assignment to doubt about that. Even Yee Leng has her Form 6 duties. Let's not forget Yee Leng is studying the hardest course among ALL of us!!
Well, I am alive, still standing and still breathing (but couldnt sure how natural can that be if the haze won't stop). I am still can be considered having a good time in Taylor's la. I have a fair share of play and study. To many, it was dead hard, but to me, what matters is our attitude towards it. If we accept it slowly and calmly, it can be so easy.
To sno,
Eh, I have not been hearing from you for so long la...that day I sms you, u dun reply me for 1 week, I thought you completely forgot about me already and thought an alien have sms-ed you....luckily you reply and clarify, or else...okok. Seems that you are having a struggle with maths...take it easy la...things will be fine...don't have to feel so stressed out...and hey, if you want to join the scrabble competition, join the Times Square competition la...i wil be joining....for more info (if you want more details etc), call me.
To lolilo,
How are you? Nothing much to say la, just that I wanna thank you for calling me to chat la...However, if you havent know, this saturday there's a talk on university courses....medicine, pharmacy, engineering etc in Taylors. It's open to anyone. Come with sno la. If you have any friends in Taylors, ask them if you can tumpang in their apartment in Ridzuan Condo. If yes, how nice! Just that, patrick will be coming to stay with me while attending the event. Important reminder : Pang Ping is NOT staying in Taylors Hostel, so you may forget about her....unless she lets you to stay in HER house, but I couldnt know. If you are coming, sms me!
To Patrick,
Wei, so you don't know where's Ridzuan eh? Okok, follow this direction. Your friend should know the roundabout near Metropolitan College (Kewajipan Roundabout). If you are coming from Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC), take a nine o' clock turn to the left. Then just go straight until you saw a turning to the left with Sunway Pyramid right on the opposite. After you turn to the left, just move on towards the three high apartments. They are the only three high buildings there and they are Ridzuan Condominiums. Ok, if your friend dropped you in Taylors, then I will have to try to smuggle you into the bus at 6:30pm. 6:30pm bus is the last bus from Taylors. So, don't be late. All students need a bus pass. As of now, the bus driver don't really care about it. 6:30pm bus is very empty but the more empty it is, the more dangerous for me to get you in because the bus driver MAY check. Extra seats will be abundant during 6:30pm. Don't worry. However, if he suddenly turns sceptical that day because you will appear unfamiliar to him, then you will have to get a taxi home. As for bus, there's Kota Raya bus leaving from SS15. However, I don't know about the schedule of the bus. You may have to wait for quite some time at the bus stop. A trip to Ridzuan will cost you RM5 for taxis without meter and approx. RM3 for taxis with meter. Let me know about your decision.
To Daphne,
I am quite surprised when you called me that day. However, you will find me different than Peter, rite? Sno will know what I mean....If you have the time, join them la...oh, and remind lolilo that the medic talk will be held on 2:15 pm - 3:15 you gals don't have to come on Friday if you gals can't get a place to stay in SS15 or Ridzuan.
To Yee Leng,
Hi, how are you? Are you coming to see me during my participation in the scrabble competition in Times Square? If yes, good la...we can finally meet each other, although I have no idea what is the result of it. Go form a cheerleading team and come. If I won, I belanja makan....haha...
To Kee Huong,
Eh, got any girlfriend from Labuan or not? How are your studies? It's been a long time since I hear from you. Your last SMS warns me not to sms MELODY too often because you will be jealous. FYI, I abide to your warnings. So when will I get my reward? Ha....jkjk..
To Peter,
Peter, be a man la...COME and MEET us. We ALL want to meet Peter rite? I think some of you have met him but NOT ME!! COME AND SHOW YOURSELF!! (200dB)
To Nooi Hoay,
How are you? So, you are going to meet chenchow this week? Send my regards to him and plan a meeting for ReComers with him if possible. I managed to influence a whole gang of Taylor-ians here to join ReCom. So, if there's a meeting, I think many will come...God bless in your studies!
That's all bus is coming in 18 minutes.....I had better run. Patrick, will be waiting for your response and sno/lolilo/daphne/nooi hoay, sms me if you wanna come! Don't come secretly and give me a heart is very weak now because of the absurd haze.
Well, I am alive, still standing and still breathing (but couldnt sure how natural can that be if the haze won't stop). I am still can be considered having a good time in Taylor's la. I have a fair share of play and study. To many, it was dead hard, but to me, what matters is our attitude towards it. If we accept it slowly and calmly, it can be so easy.
To sno,
Eh, I have not been hearing from you for so long la...that day I sms you, u dun reply me for 1 week, I thought you completely forgot about me already and thought an alien have sms-ed you....luckily you reply and clarify, or else...okok. Seems that you are having a struggle with maths...take it easy la...things will be fine...don't have to feel so stressed out...and hey, if you want to join the scrabble competition, join the Times Square competition la...i wil be joining....for more info (if you want more details etc), call me.
To lolilo,
How are you? Nothing much to say la, just that I wanna thank you for calling me to chat la...However, if you havent know, this saturday there's a talk on university courses....medicine, pharmacy, engineering etc in Taylors. It's open to anyone. Come with sno la. If you have any friends in Taylors, ask them if you can tumpang in their apartment in Ridzuan Condo. If yes, how nice! Just that, patrick will be coming to stay with me while attending the event. Important reminder : Pang Ping is NOT staying in Taylors Hostel, so you may forget about her....unless she lets you to stay in HER house, but I couldnt know. If you are coming, sms me!
To Patrick,
Wei, so you don't know where's Ridzuan eh? Okok, follow this direction. Your friend should know the roundabout near Metropolitan College (Kewajipan Roundabout). If you are coming from Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC), take a nine o' clock turn to the left. Then just go straight until you saw a turning to the left with Sunway Pyramid right on the opposite. After you turn to the left, just move on towards the three high apartments. They are the only three high buildings there and they are Ridzuan Condominiums. Ok, if your friend dropped you in Taylors, then I will have to try to smuggle you into the bus at 6:30pm. 6:30pm bus is the last bus from Taylors. So, don't be late. All students need a bus pass. As of now, the bus driver don't really care about it. 6:30pm bus is very empty but the more empty it is, the more dangerous for me to get you in because the bus driver MAY check. Extra seats will be abundant during 6:30pm. Don't worry. However, if he suddenly turns sceptical that day because you will appear unfamiliar to him, then you will have to get a taxi home. As for bus, there's Kota Raya bus leaving from SS15. However, I don't know about the schedule of the bus. You may have to wait for quite some time at the bus stop. A trip to Ridzuan will cost you RM5 for taxis without meter and approx. RM3 for taxis with meter. Let me know about your decision.
To Daphne,
I am quite surprised when you called me that day. However, you will find me different than Peter, rite? Sno will know what I mean....If you have the time, join them la...oh, and remind lolilo that the medic talk will be held on 2:15 pm - 3:15 you gals don't have to come on Friday if you gals can't get a place to stay in SS15 or Ridzuan.
To Yee Leng,
Hi, how are you? Are you coming to see me during my participation in the scrabble competition in Times Square? If yes, good la...we can finally meet each other, although I have no idea what is the result of it. Go form a cheerleading team and come. If I won, I belanja makan....haha...
To Kee Huong,
Eh, got any girlfriend from Labuan or not? How are your studies? It's been a long time since I hear from you. Your last SMS warns me not to sms MELODY too often because you will be jealous. FYI, I abide to your warnings. So when will I get my reward? Ha....jkjk..
To Peter,
Peter, be a man la...COME and MEET us. We ALL want to meet Peter rite? I think some of you have met him but NOT ME!! COME AND SHOW YOURSELF!! (200dB)
To Nooi Hoay,
How are you? So, you are going to meet chenchow this week? Send my regards to him and plan a meeting for ReComers with him if possible. I managed to influence a whole gang of Taylor-ians here to join ReCom. So, if there's a meeting, I think many will come...God bless in your studies!
That's all bus is coming in 18 minutes.....I had better run. Patrick, will be waiting for your response and sno/lolilo/daphne/nooi hoay, sms me if you wanna come! Don't come secretly and give me a heart is very weak now because of the absurd haze.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
-no title-
Start posting!!!
Don't want to see elaine's face on this page anymore!!! :P
Midsem coming in 2 weeks time , hohoho...
Sure die case.
Don't want to see elaine's face on this page anymore!!! :P
Midsem coming in 2 weeks time , hohoho...
Sure die case.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
My new giant blog is completed yesterday. Feel free to visit :
There are only 2 posts there. 1 short, 1 super long. And I don't plan to add any more posts.
Contents? You will know if you read it.
Enjoy reading. Please comment if you feel like doing so.
There are only 2 posts there. 1 short, 1 super long. And I don't plan to add any more posts.
Contents? You will know if you read it.
Enjoy reading. Please comment if you feel like doing so.
Monday, July 18, 2005
my very first prom night

yo.. I've just attended my school's form 6's prom night ^^
This is my very first prom night which was also my school's form 6's first prom night, at Dynasty Hotel on last Saturday, 16th July 2005.
My school is SMK Taman Ehsan ~
Erm.. I wrote a long blog about it in my own blog, I think it's better to go and read there, it's not so suitable to post it over here, imo. So, whoever interested to know can visit my blog site ya~ there is also a photo link in my blog~
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Lost & Found
I know that I have not been posting lately, due to the fact that I am actually in a secluded place with broadband, but this kind of broadband seems to be slower than the normal 56k connection.
For all of you who do not know where I am, listen:
I'm under a scholarship. JPA. UK. Whether or not I get into universities there remains as a question. Before I could study medicine in the UK, I will have to undergo a preparatory course, like all of you guys. Oh no, I'm NOT doing A-Levels...but International Baccalaureate (IB). The recognition of the system? I have no idea. But from past records, I think that I have a very slim chance of getting into Oxbridge, since no one from this college (Kolej MARA Banting) got to Oxford before, and as for Cambridge, only 1-3 people get admitted into that university yearly from KMB.
As for KYUEM, where its students study A-Levels, 7 got into Cambridge, 2 into Oxford, 20++ into London School of Economics, and 40++ into Imperial College. Sigh......
Is it because of their facilities?
Is it because of their course?
Or are they just plain better?
Ok, back to my introduction after being asleep for eternity.
I'm in Kolej MARA Banting...studying. For details on the state of this place, it is best for you to ask Yin Ling (Lolilo). I've already altered my blog post to avoid myself from being expelled by KMB, and after that, JPA. I don't want to see my scholarship to fly away because of this college. I MUST, and I MUST, go through this challenge.
Huhuhuhu. This week I will go to my auntie's house to regain my sanity after undergoing a 2-week marathon here. Till next time, my dearest friends. Take care and best of luck!
For all of you who do not know where I am, listen:
I'm under a scholarship. JPA. UK. Whether or not I get into universities there remains as a question. Before I could study medicine in the UK, I will have to undergo a preparatory course, like all of you guys. Oh no, I'm NOT doing A-Levels...but International Baccalaureate (IB). The recognition of the system? I have no idea. But from past records, I think that I have a very slim chance of getting into Oxbridge, since no one from this college (Kolej MARA Banting) got to Oxford before, and as for Cambridge, only 1-3 people get admitted into that university yearly from KMB.
As for KYUEM, where its students study A-Levels, 7 got into Cambridge, 2 into Oxford, 20++ into London School of Economics, and 40++ into Imperial College. Sigh......
Is it because of their facilities?
Is it because of their course?
Or are they just plain better?
Ok, back to my introduction after being asleep for eternity.
I'm in Kolej MARA Banting...studying. For details on the state of this place, it is best for you to ask Yin Ling (Lolilo). I've already altered my blog post to avoid myself from being expelled by KMB, and after that, JPA. I don't want to see my scholarship to fly away because of this college. I MUST, and I MUST, go through this challenge.
Huhuhuhu. This week I will go to my auntie's house to regain my sanity after undergoing a 2-week marathon here. Till next time, my dearest friends. Take care and best of luck!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Boss's here!
Boss x nak kalah , nak post jgk.
Hmm , after one week in so-called civilised shah alam , i realised transport is pretty much of a serious problem here. We need taxis to get from one place to another and its DAMN 'cheap'!
KUTPM is abit disappointing but okla... wanna find out more on my orientation week find out from pohwei's blog lor , We're in the same group and class for everything here.
Im going back this weekend most probably so will post longer then.
Eggy's right , typing a blog with many eyes behind you waiting for their turn to use the comp... is kinda.. eerie.
P/S: Anyone can post about the exact way to get to PUDURAYA bus station from KUTPM ? Help... i still havent figure out how.
Boss x nak kalah , nak post jgk.
Hmm , after one week in so-called civilised shah alam , i realised transport is pretty much of a serious problem here. We need taxis to get from one place to another and its DAMN 'cheap'!
KUTPM is abit disappointing but okla... wanna find out more on my orientation week find out from pohwei's blog lor , We're in the same group and class for everything here.
Im going back this weekend most probably so will post longer then.
Eggy's right , typing a blog with many eyes behind you waiting for their turn to use the comp... is kinda.. eerie.
P/S: Anyone can post about the exact way to get to PUDURAYA bus station from KUTPM ? Help... i still havent figure out how.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Malaysian Idol
watch Malaysian Idol recently every week....
[tell you, Jaclyn Victor was my school's former student!!!]
found out something unfair... but maybe it's fair, just I don't know how is the system working...
for the stage now, last week was the second group.
There are 3 groups totally, each consists of 8 contestants. out of 8 of each group, there would be only 3 pass through.
erm.. first unfairness here, maybe in the first group, all of not so high quality, but want or not, there would be 3 able to pass through.
Maybe the opposite thing happens in the second group, it's, all of high quality, but only 3 can pass through... (ok, just my opinion, for example !!!)
second unfairness, if I'm right, the result (it's to choose 3 out of 8), is 100% relys on the sms voting plus call-in to vote !!
so.. for example, if one of the contestant want to win, he or she can sms as many as possible to support himself/herself, right? Or maybe I get the wrong informations, but as I know, we can sms as many as we want, however, I'm not sure if we can sms many times to vote for one contestant.. I'll test it next week maybe ahahaa...
[tell you, Jaclyn Victor was my school's former student!!!]
found out something unfair... but maybe it's fair, just I don't know how is the system working...
for the stage now, last week was the second group.
There are 3 groups totally, each consists of 8 contestants. out of 8 of each group, there would be only 3 pass through.
erm.. first unfairness here, maybe in the first group, all of not so high quality, but want or not, there would be 3 able to pass through.
Maybe the opposite thing happens in the second group, it's, all of high quality, but only 3 can pass through... (ok, just my opinion, for example !!!)
second unfairness, if I'm right, the result (it's to choose 3 out of 8), is 100% relys on the sms voting plus call-in to vote !!
so.. for example, if one of the contestant want to win, he or she can sms as many as possible to support himself/herself, right? Or maybe I get the wrong informations, but as I know, we can sms as many as we want, however, I'm not sure if we can sms many times to vote for one contestant.. I'll test it next week maybe ahahaa...
guess whos back guess whos back...
hey hey!!
I know, I know, everyone misses me, right?
anyway, I love intec!!! I love living on my own n I love to have things to do besides going online everyday... Classes have started for three weeks now, n I have to admit that I haven been studying, probly coz I spent my time hanging out with frens! YES! I have frenz!, yippee... XD
currently, I dine every nite with Caryn(Daphne's classmate from St. Theresa), Jaclyn(from kuantan, erm, the rival school of sultan abu bakar, if I'm not mistaken) n of course, Daphne!
I don see much of Lilo these days, mayb coz we don live in the same block, her in block 6 n me in block 1. my block is much more nicer, with nice tiles on the floor, hohoho... but lilo got free internet access right under her house... so, like that la, life's fair from time to time
thanks for accompanying me to open my savings account, lilo... muacks
eggy, hmm... I had dinner with her that day...
patrick... erm, donno... where are u?
peter, answer my phone call!!
hi elaine!
albert, I'll see u soon
erm, erm, oh ya, my phone dropped onto the floor from my lap that day, then the LCD broke n now I can't read sms properly so I don reply much of sms-es, sorry ... mayb one day I'll get it fixed(when I am feeling rich lar, I'm so broke) u know, being under 18 sucks, I need parents signature for an ATM card n can only withdraw 200 bucks per day... sobs... but still, I love living in college Akasia, heehee...
let's jus hope I find time to study la...
I know, I know, everyone misses me, right?
anyway, I love intec!!! I love living on my own n I love to have things to do besides going online everyday... Classes have started for three weeks now, n I have to admit that I haven been studying, probly coz I spent my time hanging out with frens! YES! I have frenz!, yippee... XD
currently, I dine every nite with Caryn(Daphne's classmate from St. Theresa), Jaclyn(from kuantan, erm, the rival school of sultan abu bakar, if I'm not mistaken) n of course, Daphne!
I don see much of Lilo these days, mayb coz we don live in the same block, her in block 6 n me in block 1. my block is much more nicer, with nice tiles on the floor, hohoho... but lilo got free internet access right under her house... so, like that la, life's fair from time to time
thanks for accompanying me to open my savings account, lilo... muacks
eggy, hmm... I had dinner with her that day...
patrick... erm, donno... where are u?
peter, answer my phone call!!
hi elaine!
albert, I'll see u soon
erm, erm, oh ya, my phone dropped onto the floor from my lap that day, then the LCD broke n now I can't read sms properly so I don reply much of sms-es, sorry ... mayb one day I'll get it fixed(when I am feeling rich lar, I'm so broke) u know, being under 18 sucks, I need parents signature for an ATM card n can only withdraw 200 bucks per day... sobs... but still, I love living in college Akasia, heehee...
let's jus hope I find time to study la...
Saturday, July 09, 2005
A clarification
Lilo is right when she said that college life have an impact on our friendship. In fact, I began to feel distant from Kee Huong (let's not forget that he exists). However, Internet line is abundant here. Just the chatting part is a little bit difficult. The breach of the anti-chatting rule results in a much heavier penalty (permanent suspension from using the Internet facilities in Taylors) than the breach of the anti-theft rule. Now, consider the irony, friends. The college is going on wars against MSN. All forms of MSN chatting are now disabled. I have to resort to my friend's laptop which is at my disposal after some part-time lectures by him.
However, all I wanted to say is in my blog. I find it not very relevant to post them here and ridiculous to post in both blogs. Therefore, please take that few spare seconds to visit my blog if you want to know what had I become and what is life in Taylor's definition.
I will save those other words for our Mid Valley meeting. Good luck and God bless everyone in their studies and challenges.
Lilo is right when she said that college life have an impact on our friendship. In fact, I began to feel distant from Kee Huong (let's not forget that he exists). However, Internet line is abundant here. Just the chatting part is a little bit difficult. The breach of the anti-chatting rule results in a much heavier penalty (permanent suspension from using the Internet facilities in Taylors) than the breach of the anti-theft rule. Now, consider the irony, friends. The college is going on wars against MSN. All forms of MSN chatting are now disabled. I have to resort to my friend's laptop which is at my disposal after some part-time lectures by him.
However, all I wanted to say is in my blog. I find it not very relevant to post them here and ridiculous to post in both blogs. Therefore, please take that few spare seconds to visit my blog if you want to know what had I become and what is life in Taylor's definition.
I will save those other words for our Mid Valley meeting. Good luck and God bless everyone in their studies and challenges.
it's not what's underneath that matters, it's what you do that defines you.
you know that life is acting up when you suddenly feel like going to church.
lesson of the day: always fill your car's petrol tank with petrol when the light comes on.
lesson of the day: always fill your car's petrol tank with petrol when the light comes on.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Just to inform KST members about me finally offered the JPA scholarship. It's AUSMAT in INTEC. If all go well, I will be spending 18 months here in INTEC and later 6 years in Australia.
As for Peter, you have made up your mind about accepting the offer right? Wishing you all the best yea...
A Jot By A Sot
As for Peter, you have made up your mind about accepting the offer right? Wishing you all the best yea...
A Jot By A Sot
ever had one of those days?
have you ever had one of those days when you just felt bored and disinterested in the world? sleep loses all its (overrated) glory and every book you pick up seems to have the same old story line, or lack thereof.
today's just one of those days.
you think of brilliant things to compose your message with to send off to your friends, but when you do they don't reply. you think of home and all its simplicity and warmth, then you wait for the joy that never comes.
yes, it's one of those days.
Don't know why I'm still afraid
If you weren't real I would make you up now
I wish that I could follow through
I know that your love is true
And deep
As the sea
But right now
Everything you want is wrong,
And right now
All your dreams are waking up,
And right now
I wish I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom,
Where no one lives.
today's just one of those days.
you think of brilliant things to compose your message with to send off to your friends, but when you do they don't reply. you think of home and all its simplicity and warmth, then you wait for the joy that never comes.
yes, it's one of those days.
Don't know why I'm still afraid
If you weren't real I would make you up now
I wish that I could follow through
I know that your love is true
And deep
As the sea
But right now
Everything you want is wrong,
And right now
All your dreams are waking up,
And right now
I wish I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom,
Where no one lives.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
my typing speed
Your score: 304 keys per minute ~ 60 words per minute
Language/mode: en
Ranking: That was fast - you can still improve, though.
Comparison: 36% of registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 64% have a lower or equal result.
You typed: The control of the production of wealth is the control of human life itself. Also, the Scots are said to have invented golf. Everyone knows power tollas aren't soluble in alcohol. Age and treachery will walways overcome youth and skill. As he designs the first work, frill after frill and embellishment after embellishment occur tot him. I threw up on my window! I'm sorry, sir, ties required. I hace a VISION! I opened the drawer of my little dek and a single letter fell out, a letter from my mother, written in pencil, one of hehr last, with unfinished words and an implicit sense of her departure. This happened about thirty years ago to
Mistakes: tollas(tools), walways(always), tot(to), hace(have), dek(desk), hehr(her)
long time didn't play this typing game to test my typing speed, hmm.. looks like progress a bit than last time
We all KST knew this game from recom, right? Don't know you all played before or not =P
if you haven't try it out, then now can try try >O<
Language/mode: en
Ranking: That was fast - you can still improve, though.
Comparison: 36% of registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 64% have a lower or equal result.
You typed: The control of the production of wealth is the control of human life itself. Also, the Scots are said to have invented golf. Everyone knows power tollas aren't soluble in alcohol. Age and treachery will walways overcome youth and skill. As he designs the first work, frill after frill and embellishment after embellishment occur tot him. I threw up on my window! I'm sorry, sir, ties required. I hace a VISION! I opened the drawer of my little dek and a single letter fell out, a letter from my mother, written in pencil, one of hehr last, with unfinished words and an implicit sense of her departure. This happened about thirty years ago to
Mistakes: tollas(tools), walways(always), tot(to), hace(have), dek(desk), hehr(her)
long time didn't play this typing game to test my typing speed, hmm.. looks like progress a bit than last time
We all KST knew this game from recom, right? Don't know you all played before or not =P
if you haven't try it out, then now can try try >O<
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Hmmm... Tell me what you think
Taken from
Mailbag from US
From: A very frightened Malaysian abroad
To: Date: May 28, 2005 1:05 AM
Subject: From a Frightened Malaysiann abroad
Dear Mr Ooi,
I have been meaning to pen some thoughts for some time now, to let people actually read the views of the typical ‘overseas Malaysian’ who is kept away. I realise that my email is rather long, but I do hope that you would consider publishing it (and also keep my name private!).I shall start by telling a little about my background. Mine is a rather sad tale – of a young Malaysian full of hope and patriotic enthusiasm, which is slowly but surely trickling away.I am very different from many other non-bumiputeras, as I was given tremendous opportunities throughout my childhood. Born into a middle-class Chinese but English-speaking family, I grew up with all the privileges of imported books, computers, piano/violin lessons and tuition teachers.My parents insisted that I should be exposed to a multi-racial education in a national school. In my time, my urban national school (a missionary school) was a truly happy place – where the Malays, Chinese and Indian students were roughly equal in proportion. We played and laughed with each other, and studied the history of the world together during Form 4, with one interesting chapter dedicated to Islamic history.Though 75% of my teachers were Malays, I never really noticed. My Malay teachers were the kindest to me – teaching me well and offering me every possible opportunity to develop. I led the district teams for English and Bahasa Malaysia debating competitions. I was the only non-Malay finalist in the Bahasa Malaysian state-level elocution competition. My Malay teachers encouraged me to transfer to a government residential school (sekolah berasrama penuh) so as to enable me to maximise my academic potential. I refused because I was happy where I was, so they made me head prefect and nominated me as a ‘Tokoh Pelajar Kebangsaan’. Till this day, I am absolutely certain that it was the kindness of all my Malay teachers which made me a true Malaysian.I excelled at school and was offered a Singaporean government scholarship to study overseas. I turned them down because I wanted to ensure that I would remain a ‘true Malaysian’ in the eyes of Malaysia. So I accepted a Malaysian government scholarship to study at Oxford University. Throughout my three years as an undergraduate, the officers at the MSD looked after me very well, and was always there to offer support.
I graduated with first class honours, and was offered a job with a leading investment bank. The JPA released me from my bond, so as to enable me to develop my potential. I shall always be grateful for that. I worked hard and rose in rank. My employer sent to me to Harvard University for postgraduate study and I climbed further up their meritocratic ladder. Now I am 31 years old and draw a comfortable monthly salary of US$22,000. Yet, I yearn to return home. I miss my home, my family, my friends, my Malaysian hawker food and the life in Malaysia. I have been asked many times by Singaporean government agencies to join them on very lucrative terms, but I have always refused due to my inherent patriotism.I really want to return home. I have been told by government-linked corporations and private companies in Malaysia that at best, I would still have to take a 70% pay cut if I return to Malaysia to work. I am prepared and willing to accept that. My country has done a lot for me, so I should not complain about money.But of late, my idealistic vision of my country has really come crashing down, harder and faster than ever before.I read about the annual fiasco involving non-bumiputera top scorers who are denied entry to critical courses at local universities and are offered forestry and fisheries instead. (My cousin scored 10A1’s for SPM and yet was denied a scholarship).I read about UMNO Youth attacking the so-called meritocracy system because there are less than 60% of Malay students in law and pharmacy, whilst conveniently keeping silent about the fact that 90% of overseas scholarship recipients are Malays and that Malays form the vast majority in courses like medicine, accountancy and engineering at local universities.I read about the Higher Education Minister promising that non-bumiputera Malaysians will never ever step foot into UiTM.I read about a poor Chinese teacher’s daughter with 11A1’s being denied a scholarship, while I know some Malay friends who scored 7A’s and whose parents are millionaires being given scholarships.I read about the brilliant Prof. K.S. Jomo, who was denied a promotion to Senior Professor (not even to Head of Department), although he was backed by references from three Nobel Prize winners. Of course, his talent is recognised by a prestigious appointment at the United Nations.I read about UMNO Youth accusing Chinese schools of being detrimental to racial integration, while demanding that Mara Junior Science Colleges and other residential schools be kept only for Malays.I read about the Malay newspaper editors attacking the private sector for not appointing enough Malays to senior management level, whilst insisting that the government always ensure that Malays dominate anything government-related.I read that at our local universities, not a single Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor is non-Malay.I read that in the government, not a single Secretary-General of any ministry is non-Malay. The same goes for all government agencies like the police, armed forces, etc.I read about UMNO screaming for the Malay Agenda, but accusing everyone else of racism for whispering about equality.I read about a poor Indian lady having to pay full price for a low-cost house after being dispossessed from a plantation, whilst Malay millionaires demand their 10% bumiputera discount when buying RM2 million bungalows in a gated community.I read about my beloved national schools becoming more and more Islamic by the day, enforced by overzealous principals.I read about my Form 4 World History (Sejarah Dunia) syllabus, which now contains only one chapter of world history, with Islamic history covering the rest of the book.As I read all this, I tremble with fear. I love my country and long to return. I am willing to take a 70% pay cut. I am willing to face a demotion. I honestly want to contribute my expertise in complex financial services and capital markets. But really, is there a future for me, for my children and for their children? I am truly frightened.I can deal with the lack of democracy, the lack of press freedom, the ISA, our inefficient and bureaucratic civil service, our awful manners and even a little corruption. But I cannot deal with racism in my homeland.I think this is the single biggest factor which is keeping people like myself away. And bear in mind – there are so many of us (researchers, scientists, bankers, economists, lawyers, academics, etc.). What people read about in Malaysia (like Dr Terence Gomez) is but the tiniest tip of the iceberg. You will be amazed to know about Malaysians denied JPA scholarships (which would have made them civil servants), took loans to attend Ivy League universities, but who are later asked to advise our government (on IT, economics, etc.) at fees running to millions of US dollars. Such information will never be published because it is politically incorrect.As a Christian, I pray for God’s blessing on this great country of ours. I pray that He blesses our leaders with the foresight and humanity to see that this will not work and cannot continue. I pray that they will have the strength to make our country a home for all Malaysians and that they will have mercy for the poor, including the non-Malays. I pray for true racial harmony and acceptance (not just tolerance) in Malaysia.
Yours sincerely,
A very frightened Malaysian abroad
Mailbag from US
From: A very frightened Malaysian abroad
To: Date: May 28, 2005 1:05 AM
Subject: From a Frightened Malaysiann abroad
Dear Mr Ooi,
I have been meaning to pen some thoughts for some time now, to let people actually read the views of the typical ‘overseas Malaysian’ who is kept away. I realise that my email is rather long, but I do hope that you would consider publishing it (and also keep my name private!).I shall start by telling a little about my background. Mine is a rather sad tale – of a young Malaysian full of hope and patriotic enthusiasm, which is slowly but surely trickling away.I am very different from many other non-bumiputeras, as I was given tremendous opportunities throughout my childhood. Born into a middle-class Chinese but English-speaking family, I grew up with all the privileges of imported books, computers, piano/violin lessons and tuition teachers.My parents insisted that I should be exposed to a multi-racial education in a national school. In my time, my urban national school (a missionary school) was a truly happy place – where the Malays, Chinese and Indian students were roughly equal in proportion. We played and laughed with each other, and studied the history of the world together during Form 4, with one interesting chapter dedicated to Islamic history.Though 75% of my teachers were Malays, I never really noticed. My Malay teachers were the kindest to me – teaching me well and offering me every possible opportunity to develop. I led the district teams for English and Bahasa Malaysia debating competitions. I was the only non-Malay finalist in the Bahasa Malaysian state-level elocution competition. My Malay teachers encouraged me to transfer to a government residential school (sekolah berasrama penuh) so as to enable me to maximise my academic potential. I refused because I was happy where I was, so they made me head prefect and nominated me as a ‘Tokoh Pelajar Kebangsaan’. Till this day, I am absolutely certain that it was the kindness of all my Malay teachers which made me a true Malaysian.I excelled at school and was offered a Singaporean government scholarship to study overseas. I turned them down because I wanted to ensure that I would remain a ‘true Malaysian’ in the eyes of Malaysia. So I accepted a Malaysian government scholarship to study at Oxford University. Throughout my three years as an undergraduate, the officers at the MSD looked after me very well, and was always there to offer support.
I graduated with first class honours, and was offered a job with a leading investment bank. The JPA released me from my bond, so as to enable me to develop my potential. I shall always be grateful for that. I worked hard and rose in rank. My employer sent to me to Harvard University for postgraduate study and I climbed further up their meritocratic ladder. Now I am 31 years old and draw a comfortable monthly salary of US$22,000. Yet, I yearn to return home. I miss my home, my family, my friends, my Malaysian hawker food and the life in Malaysia. I have been asked many times by Singaporean government agencies to join them on very lucrative terms, but I have always refused due to my inherent patriotism.I really want to return home. I have been told by government-linked corporations and private companies in Malaysia that at best, I would still have to take a 70% pay cut if I return to Malaysia to work. I am prepared and willing to accept that. My country has done a lot for me, so I should not complain about money.But of late, my idealistic vision of my country has really come crashing down, harder and faster than ever before.I read about the annual fiasco involving non-bumiputera top scorers who are denied entry to critical courses at local universities and are offered forestry and fisheries instead. (My cousin scored 10A1’s for SPM and yet was denied a scholarship).I read about UMNO Youth attacking the so-called meritocracy system because there are less than 60% of Malay students in law and pharmacy, whilst conveniently keeping silent about the fact that 90% of overseas scholarship recipients are Malays and that Malays form the vast majority in courses like medicine, accountancy and engineering at local universities.I read about the Higher Education Minister promising that non-bumiputera Malaysians will never ever step foot into UiTM.I read about a poor Chinese teacher’s daughter with 11A1’s being denied a scholarship, while I know some Malay friends who scored 7A’s and whose parents are millionaires being given scholarships.I read about the brilliant Prof. K.S. Jomo, who was denied a promotion to Senior Professor (not even to Head of Department), although he was backed by references from three Nobel Prize winners. Of course, his talent is recognised by a prestigious appointment at the United Nations.I read about UMNO Youth accusing Chinese schools of being detrimental to racial integration, while demanding that Mara Junior Science Colleges and other residential schools be kept only for Malays.I read about the Malay newspaper editors attacking the private sector for not appointing enough Malays to senior management level, whilst insisting that the government always ensure that Malays dominate anything government-related.I read that at our local universities, not a single Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor is non-Malay.I read that in the government, not a single Secretary-General of any ministry is non-Malay. The same goes for all government agencies like the police, armed forces, etc.I read about UMNO screaming for the Malay Agenda, but accusing everyone else of racism for whispering about equality.I read about a poor Indian lady having to pay full price for a low-cost house after being dispossessed from a plantation, whilst Malay millionaires demand their 10% bumiputera discount when buying RM2 million bungalows in a gated community.I read about my beloved national schools becoming more and more Islamic by the day, enforced by overzealous principals.I read about my Form 4 World History (Sejarah Dunia) syllabus, which now contains only one chapter of world history, with Islamic history covering the rest of the book.As I read all this, I tremble with fear. I love my country and long to return. I am willing to take a 70% pay cut. I am willing to face a demotion. I honestly want to contribute my expertise in complex financial services and capital markets. But really, is there a future for me, for my children and for their children? I am truly frightened.I can deal with the lack of democracy, the lack of press freedom, the ISA, our inefficient and bureaucratic civil service, our awful manners and even a little corruption. But I cannot deal with racism in my homeland.I think this is the single biggest factor which is keeping people like myself away. And bear in mind – there are so many of us (researchers, scientists, bankers, economists, lawyers, academics, etc.). What people read about in Malaysia (like Dr Terence Gomez) is but the tiniest tip of the iceberg. You will be amazed to know about Malaysians denied JPA scholarships (which would have made them civil servants), took loans to attend Ivy League universities, but who are later asked to advise our government (on IT, economics, etc.) at fees running to millions of US dollars. Such information will never be published because it is politically incorrect.As a Christian, I pray for God’s blessing on this great country of ours. I pray that He blesses our leaders with the foresight and humanity to see that this will not work and cannot continue. I pray that they will have the strength to make our country a home for all Malaysians and that they will have mercy for the poor, including the non-Malays. I pray for true racial harmony and acceptance (not just tolerance) in Malaysia.
Yours sincerely,
A very frightened Malaysian abroad
Friday, June 17, 2005
A regret
God is humourous and wonderful. He often makes twists in life to create some fun and awareness. It's the final week for KST to chat and crap around and my faulty computer showed its wings and made its way to the repair shop for three days. As much as I wished to spend this temporarily final days with all of you, I am afraid I have not the facility.
Therefore, I will post this message here for all, using another person's facility :
For all
I have a wonderful time with all of you. However, my computer do not support MSN, blame my stupidity for converting back to Windows 98 SE. Therefore, handphone seems to be the only way. I can always contact Daphne through Yin Nin, so I guess communication should not be a barrier for us to keep in touch. I am currently using "MSN" through Trillian, so I may send messages to you, but miraculously I am "offline". You may reply, no worries. Hope that I can muster all the tech skills I have and reinstall MSN before I leave on 23 June.
For Yin Nin
For reasons all of us should know, I wanna send a message to you first. Although I realised the drastic positive changes in you, I have a feeling that you still have the tendency to return to your former state. You have to obtain faith and hope and believe that there will be a sunshine after all the lightning. If you have anything to share, Yin Ling or any other KST members can always help you. After all, she will be around you for the next two years. Take this opportunity to find serenity in the midst of the workload. You can do it.
For Peter Tok
Peter, although we have not communicate that much, I did enjoy our BM battle. Unanimously, you are better than me in that. All the best wishes to you in your JPA struggle and I think you will emerge as the winner later. Give JPA some time. If you should stay in Matriks, don't just study what you are taught but also study what you are NOT taught to avoid troubles in the university later. You know what I mean.
For Chok Yin Ling
After more than 8 days I knew Peter and Yin Nin, I knew you. I think the first time we chatted is when PJKru wrecked up some havoc in the ReCom thread. Then, we blasted him together and forced him to say sorry for all that. I have always enjoyed your quick and nice response. Studying medic is many person's dream, so don't waste it.
For Patrick Leong Tian Weng
Patrick, before I knew you, your ReCom posts are intimidating. However, after I knew you, I have somewhat learned some of your ways. Now, I gained some of those non-civil skills. May God bless you in your medicine studies.
For Ang Nooi Hoay
Don't be so depressed. I totally understand your feeling. You will probably remember that I was made to wait for 6 weeks also to get a scholarship and my situation is much more tighter than yours as I don't have a very very good results. However, you should be proud of yourself as not many people can become like you. You will have all our supports and don't worry, I will try to find whatever ways to communicate here, so don't worry of losing a crapping mate.
For Cheah Yee Leng
Well, this "departure" is not bringing me further than you, but nearer to you and you will be "faithfully waiting" for us to go online. Therefore, there isn't much to say here.
For Lai Kee Huong
I think that you are so innocent and straight-forward. Good luck to you in Matriks. You will probably do well in it and get admitted into the university and study the course that you want. Send my regards to Melody and may God bless both of you's friendship (no special meaning, but you can imagine if you want to).
For Daphne Chong
I have always think that I am unfair to you, and now I am beginning to do that again. I guess I will have to know you better. Anyway, good luck in your future plans .
Therefore, I will post this message here for all, using another person's facility :
For all
I have a wonderful time with all of you. However, my computer do not support MSN, blame my stupidity for converting back to Windows 98 SE. Therefore, handphone seems to be the only way. I can always contact Daphne through Yin Nin, so I guess communication should not be a barrier for us to keep in touch. I am currently using "MSN" through Trillian, so I may send messages to you, but miraculously I am "offline". You may reply, no worries. Hope that I can muster all the tech skills I have and reinstall MSN before I leave on 23 June.
For Yin Nin
For reasons all of us should know, I wanna send a message to you first. Although I realised the drastic positive changes in you, I have a feeling that you still have the tendency to return to your former state. You have to obtain faith and hope and believe that there will be a sunshine after all the lightning. If you have anything to share, Yin Ling or any other KST members can always help you. After all, she will be around you for the next two years. Take this opportunity to find serenity in the midst of the workload. You can do it.
For Peter Tok
Peter, although we have not communicate that much, I did enjoy our BM battle. Unanimously, you are better than me in that. All the best wishes to you in your JPA struggle and I think you will emerge as the winner later. Give JPA some time. If you should stay in Matriks, don't just study what you are taught but also study what you are NOT taught to avoid troubles in the university later. You know what I mean.
For Chok Yin Ling
After more than 8 days I knew Peter and Yin Nin, I knew you. I think the first time we chatted is when PJKru wrecked up some havoc in the ReCom thread. Then, we blasted him together and forced him to say sorry for all that. I have always enjoyed your quick and nice response. Studying medic is many person's dream, so don't waste it.
For Patrick Leong Tian Weng
Patrick, before I knew you, your ReCom posts are intimidating. However, after I knew you, I have somewhat learned some of your ways. Now, I gained some of those non-civil skills. May God bless you in your medicine studies.
For Ang Nooi Hoay
Don't be so depressed. I totally understand your feeling. You will probably remember that I was made to wait for 6 weeks also to get a scholarship and my situation is much more tighter than yours as I don't have a very very good results. However, you should be proud of yourself as not many people can become like you. You will have all our supports and don't worry, I will try to find whatever ways to communicate here, so don't worry of losing a crapping mate.
For Cheah Yee Leng
Well, this "departure" is not bringing me further than you, but nearer to you and you will be "faithfully waiting" for us to go online. Therefore, there isn't much to say here.
For Lai Kee Huong
I think that you are so innocent and straight-forward. Good luck to you in Matriks. You will probably do well in it and get admitted into the university and study the course that you want. Send my regards to Melody and may God bless both of you's friendship (no special meaning, but you can imagine if you want to).
For Daphne Chong
I have always think that I am unfair to you, and now I am beginning to do that again. I guess I will have to know you better. Anyway, good luck in your future plans .
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
the first Orientation
the time before recess time, all being occupied for our lower six's Orientation.
First of all, all lower six students were asked to sit in the 'astaka' which is near to the big field of school, listening to seniors' commands, instructions, and also teachers + headmistress' talk.
Then, we were asked to draw a paper from a box, to decide our group. Every group was guiding by an upper six student, our senior. I was in group 4, guiding by the prefect's leader (ketua pengawas)(an Indian guy), but I forgot about his post in form 6's club. All of those seniors are of the form 6's club's AJK, holding some post.
After settled down in each group respectively, we discussed and chose a group leader, ours was an Indian guy, and then we had to decide the team name also ~We were so quiet, don't have any idea at all, the senior was so eager, kept asking us for any idea~ ~, finally, we decided to name our team as "chain geng". It's of manglish actually, if in proper english, it should be " chain gang", the 'geng' is in malay. We did this acidentally as the malay gal who in charged in drawing the logo wrote wrongly ~
Then, we made the team cheer ~ we just shouted out the 'chain geng' word and did some big actions in group ~ I think we are the most oustanding group amongst all ^^it's because we kept shouting it and answered some command ~ lolx
when the senior said 'chain geng', we all have to say 'shhh' and put up our pointer finger to show other people to 'keep quiet' ~ lolz, don't forget oh, the senior is a prefect leader !
when the senior said 'adik abang', we all will have to say 'ya~, abang satia~' (in a special tone)it's not bad, quite fun~
OH~ we had to help teacher to wash their cars ~ some other groups were in charged in cleaning classrooms while some other had to wash toilets @@"
We washed two cars, but I don't think they were clean because we hard to take the water since it's quite far from the water source, we just 'cincai' did it =p
and... then, all gathered in the astaka again to listen to some instructions e.g: the things we have to bring for tomorrow. totally not a bad experience lar ~
First of all, all lower six students were asked to sit in the 'astaka' which is near to the big field of school, listening to seniors' commands, instructions, and also teachers + headmistress' talk.
Then, we were asked to draw a paper from a box, to decide our group. Every group was guiding by an upper six student, our senior. I was in group 4, guiding by the prefect's leader (ketua pengawas)(an Indian guy), but I forgot about his post in form 6's club. All of those seniors are of the form 6's club's AJK, holding some post.
After settled down in each group respectively, we discussed and chose a group leader, ours was an Indian guy, and then we had to decide the team name also ~We were so quiet, don't have any idea at all, the senior was so eager, kept asking us for any idea~ ~, finally, we decided to name our team as "chain geng". It's of manglish actually, if in proper english, it should be " chain gang", the 'geng' is in malay. We did this acidentally as the malay gal who in charged in drawing the logo wrote wrongly ~
Then, we made the team cheer ~ we just shouted out the 'chain geng' word and did some big actions in group ~ I think we are the most oustanding group amongst all ^^it's because we kept shouting it and answered some command ~ lolx
when the senior said 'chain geng', we all have to say 'shhh' and put up our pointer finger to show other people to 'keep quiet' ~ lolz, don't forget oh, the senior is a prefect leader !
when the senior said 'adik abang', we all will have to say 'ya~, abang satia~' (in a special tone)it's not bad, quite fun~
OH~ we had to help teacher to wash their cars ~ some other groups were in charged in cleaning classrooms while some other had to wash toilets @@"
We washed two cars, but I don't think they were clean because we hard to take the water since it's quite far from the water source, we just 'cincai' did it =p
and... then, all gathered in the astaka again to listen to some instructions e.g: the things we have to bring for tomorrow. totally not a bad experience lar ~
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Let's sing, KST, for our friendship
Let's sing this meaningful song together in one accord. (Yin Ling, Yin Nin, Patrick and Nooi Hoay, you all know what I mean) Err, I wonder if this can be our KST theme?
We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through
Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
No one told me, I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start
* And life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Life is a road now and forever wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you
We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
[Repeat *]
Knew there was somebody somewhere
I need love in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing is going to tear us apart
[Repeat *]
Life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Starting out on a journey
[Repeat *]
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning
With you
-The End-
PS : I found this lyrics in the wedding songs page.....duh.
We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through
Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
No one told me, I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start
* And life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Life is a road now and forever wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you
We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
[Repeat *]
Knew there was somebody somewhere
I need love in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing is going to tear us apart
[Repeat *]
Life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Starting out on a journey
[Repeat *]
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning
With you
-The End-
PS : I found this lyrics in the wedding songs page.....duh.
Good news for our dear Nooi Hoay
Nooi Hoay, I think you have read this but I just wanna share again with all KST members :
Later, when opening the new RM1.1mil state MCA building in Alor Star, Ong said he had received an SMS from the MCA Youth that more than 100 SPM high achievers wanted the party’s help in their appeal to secure PSD scholarships.
He pledged to help these top scorers, especially those who had obtained 12As and 13As.
(Adapted from The Star, 11 June 2005)
Nooi Hoay, I need not say anymore. Send in your letter of appeal and it will be done.
Later, when opening the new RM1.1mil state MCA building in Alor Star, Ong said he had received an SMS from the MCA Youth that more than 100 SPM high achievers wanted the party’s help in their appeal to secure PSD scholarships.
He pledged to help these top scorers, especially those who had obtained 12As and 13As.
(Adapted from The Star, 11 June 2005)
Nooi Hoay, I need not say anymore. Send in your letter of appeal and it will be done.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Seuntai kata untuk renungan bersama
Jika hari ini seorang perdana menteri berkuasa
Jika hari ini seorang raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini seorang presiden sebuah negara
Jika hari ini seorang ulama yang mulia
Jika hari in seorang peguam menang bicara
Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka
Jika hari ini siapa saja menjadi dewasa
Sejarahnya dimulakan dengan seorang guru biasa
Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis baca.
Hargailah guru kita.
Jika hari ini seorang raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini seorang presiden sebuah negara
Jika hari ini seorang ulama yang mulia
Jika hari in seorang peguam menang bicara
Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka
Jika hari ini siapa saja menjadi dewasa
Sejarahnya dimulakan dengan seorang guru biasa
Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis baca.
Hargailah guru kita.
Oh. I just read the first KST post.
And apparently I'm supposed to introduce myself. :) (oh yay, my favourite topic)
First of all, my name is Daphne. I have an elder brother who's a year older than me. He's in KMB slogging all out for his IB finals and recently got wonderful news that all Petronas scholars doing Petroleum Engineering will be going to the US. My sister is in Form 2. My parents are teachers, though my Dad is retired.
I read about my 'shimmering 10A1s' somewhere. I checked my result slip awhile sign of shimmers anywhere. :) I really don't see it a feat as great as some of you might think. Though if I got anything less than that I would probably be in a state of depression right now. It's weird.
I play tennis. Though most people are surprised when they learn of that fact, due to the fact that I am fat. Right Peter? I think the world's meanest people are those who criticise other people's physical appearances; and Mean People Suck (I have a batch that proves that).
I am online a lot, and have been keeping blogs/diaries/journals online since the middle of Form 1. Somehow I never get enough of it. I am an extrovert, as you may have already guessed. However I think I've been really quiet during the KST chats (that I was around for anyway)...due to the fact that I couldn't really differentiate one nick from the other.
At this point of my life, my friends mean more than anything in the world to me. When something means more than the world to you, you're risking it all to get hurt. Sometimes life sucks when people mean too much to you. You get hurt.
And then you get all jiwang-ed which is what I am right now so I think I should stop typing. After all my friend just asked me to translate something and I am bad at saying no.
Message me or something if you're interested in me and want to marry me. I prefer tall, dark, handsome, rich, smart, intelligent, nice, caring, kind, loving, chinese, humourous.
First of all, my name is Daphne. I have an elder brother who's a year older than me. He's in KMB slogging all out for his IB finals and recently got wonderful news that all Petronas scholars doing Petroleum Engineering will be going to the US. My sister is in Form 2. My parents are teachers, though my Dad is retired.
I read about my 'shimmering 10A1s' somewhere. I checked my result slip awhile sign of shimmers anywhere. :) I really don't see it a feat as great as some of you might think. Though if I got anything less than that I would probably be in a state of depression right now. It's weird.
I play tennis. Though most people are surprised when they learn of that fact, due to the fact that I am fat. Right Peter? I think the world's meanest people are those who criticise other people's physical appearances; and Mean People Suck (I have a batch that proves that).
I am online a lot, and have been keeping blogs/diaries/journals online since the middle of Form 1. Somehow I never get enough of it. I am an extrovert, as you may have already guessed. However I think I've been really quiet during the KST chats (that I was around for anyway)...due to the fact that I couldn't really differentiate one nick from the other.
At this point of my life, my friends mean more than anything in the world to me. When something means more than the world to you, you're risking it all to get hurt. Sometimes life sucks when people mean too much to you. You get hurt.
And then you get all jiwang-ed which is what I am right now so I think I should stop typing. After all my friend just asked me to translate something and I am bad at saying no.
Message me or something if you're interested in me and want to marry me. I prefer tall, dark, handsome, rich, smart, intelligent, nice, caring, kind, loving, chinese, humourous.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
It's just what they do here, okay?
Considering the fact that I am a member of the KST gang (look, my name is on the top of the list!), it would be a shame for me not to post here. Therefore here it is, people, my first ever KST post.
*break for berak*
I shall talk about friends.
I think about the future a lot. In my thoughts, I am surrounded by my friends - the ones I have now. We are laughing and sitting at a cafe talking about our lives. It doesn't matter that we are scattered throughout different parts of the world. When we're together everything just clicks; discomfort becomes an English word we hear about but never feel.
My good friend arrived from KL last night. A few hours ago, we were laughing and sitting at a cafe talking about our lives.
However it does matter that we are scattered throughout different parts of the world. A few hours ago while nervously fiddling with the piece of tissue paper I had in my hand, I felt uncomfortable.
The one thing I thought would never happen to us, happened.
*break for berak*
I shall talk about friends.
I think about the future a lot. In my thoughts, I am surrounded by my friends - the ones I have now. We are laughing and sitting at a cafe talking about our lives. It doesn't matter that we are scattered throughout different parts of the world. When we're together everything just clicks; discomfort becomes an English word we hear about but never feel.
My good friend arrived from KL last night. A few hours ago, we were laughing and sitting at a cafe talking about our lives.
However it does matter that we are scattered throughout different parts of the world. A few hours ago while nervously fiddling with the piece of tissue paper I had in my hand, I felt uncomfortable.
The one thing I thought would never happen to us, happened.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
Holiday again~
My form 6 school life, just last for 8 days until now, because start tomorrow, semester holiday start~!
hoho... so fast rest again, however, I'm not really wanting this holiday as I was in holiday for about half year already, sort of boring...
However, it will be a busy holiday compared with the past one, as I have to study my form 6 stuffs, I've bought some textbooks and will buy the rest tomorrow [maybe], so I can study on my own.
Besides, our chemistry teacher has already planned some extra classes in this two-weeks holiday as she scared she can't finish teaching all the syllabus and don't want just to ask us to read on our own but she wants to "walk the path with us together". Although facing her is quite scary and boring (as she is quite "fierce"), but.. we can't deny her as a dedicated teacher ^o^
lolx... some of the KST members have no difference for this holiday, because.. they haven't start any study yet, they are in holiday everyday =p however, they are going to the camp to have a wonderful gathering O_O
I can't go T_T" ~~~~
hoho... so fast rest again, however, I'm not really wanting this holiday as I was in holiday for about half year already, sort of boring...
However, it will be a busy holiday compared with the past one, as I have to study my form 6 stuffs, I've bought some textbooks and will buy the rest tomorrow [maybe], so I can study on my own.
Besides, our chemistry teacher has already planned some extra classes in this two-weeks holiday as she scared she can't finish teaching all the syllabus and don't want just to ask us to read on our own but she wants to "walk the path with us together". Although facing her is quite scary and boring (as she is quite "fierce"), but.. we can't deny her as a dedicated teacher ^o^
lolx... some of the KST members have no difference for this holiday, because.. they haven't start any study yet, they are in holiday everyday =p however, they are going to the camp to have a wonderful gathering O_O
I can't go T_T" ~~~~
New Age
A general term covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical movements and beliefs.
New Age music incorporates relaxing, dreamy melodic lines with a quietly harmonic background, primarily in order to promote meditation.
Beliefs found among New Agers include:
I find this really interesting in some ways. However, New Age received critiques from evangelical Christians owing to different beliefs. One thought to share here: when listening to New Age music, you find yourself drifting away from real life, that is if you define life as something hectic and fast-paced and forever moving forwards or progressing. New Age music actually keep your mind free from all trouble. You feel a sense of peace, calm, tranquility and harmony as well as the mutual relationship between your physical self and spiritual self.
Disclaimer: I don't think New Age music is suitable for any pessimistic person. It kills the power and the urge in you. It soothes you, bringing you to the lowest level of angst but the highest level of emotions. That is quite dangerous to people on the verge of commiting suicide, I believe. (Hmm, did I just make it sound satanic?)
A Jot By A Sot
New Age music incorporates relaxing, dreamy melodic lines with a quietly harmonic background, primarily in order to promote meditation.
Beliefs found among New Agers include:
All humanity—indeed all life, everything in the universe—is spiritually interconnected, participating in the same energy. “God” is one name for this energy.
Spiritual beings exist, and will guide us, if we turn to them.
The human mind has deep levels and vast powers, which are capable even of overriding physical reality. “You create your own reality.”
Nevertheless, this is subject to certain spiritual laws, such as the principle of cause and effect (karma).
You are meant to be here on earth, in your present surroundings, because you have a lesson to learn. The most important lesson is love.
Death is not the end. The afterlife does not punish us but teaches us, perhaps through the mechanisms of reincarnation or near-death experiences.
Science and spirituality are ultimately harmonious. New discoveries in science, rightly understood, point to spiritual principles.
Intuition is a more appropriate guide than rationalism, skepticism, or the scientific method. Western science wrongly neglects such things as parapsychology, meditation, and holistic health.
There exists a mystical core within all religions, Eastern and Western. Dogma and religious identity are not so important.
The Bible is a wise and holy book. Yet many important truths are not found in the Bible, or are referred to only very obliquely.
Feminine forms of spirituality, including feminine images of the divine, are particularly appropriate at this time.
Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis once existed, leaving behind certain relics and monuments (the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge) whose nature is misunderstood by mainstream historians.
There are no coincidences. Everything around you has spiritual meaning, and spiritual lessons to teach you. You are meant to be here.
The mind has hidden powers and abilities, which have a spiritual significance. Dreams and psychic experiences are ways in which our souls express themselves.
Source: Wikipedia
I find this really interesting in some ways. However, New Age received critiques from evangelical Christians owing to different beliefs. One thought to share here: when listening to New Age music, you find yourself drifting away from real life, that is if you define life as something hectic and fast-paced and forever moving forwards or progressing. New Age music actually keep your mind free from all trouble. You feel a sense of peace, calm, tranquility and harmony as well as the mutual relationship between your physical self and spiritual self.
Disclaimer: I don't think New Age music is suitable for any pessimistic person. It kills the power and the urge in you. It soothes you, bringing you to the lowest level of angst but the highest level of emotions. That is quite dangerous to people on the verge of commiting suicide, I believe. (Hmm, did I just make it sound satanic?)
A Jot By A Sot
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
1. Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
- forget to brush my teeth
- cry easily
- over eat
- whine n complain
2. Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
- a reason to live
- JPA scholarship
- confidence
- a good figure
3. Name Four Scents You Love:
- The smell of Harry Potter books when they were new
- JC olive shampoo
- PH 5.5 body shampoo smell
- lip ice, lemon flavored
4. Name Four People That Know You the Best:
I'm often misunderstood
5. Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
- anything pink
- anything that makes me look fat
- condoms
- I hate buttons n collars
6. Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
- dinner
- KST's wrath
- I shud lose weight
- I shud go n bathe
7. Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
- tuned my guitar
- online chatting
- this is my third survey
- eat, digested n wat do u call penyahtinjaan in english?
8. Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
- calzone
- razors
- a black top
- black rubber bands
9. Name Five Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
- Green Day
- Pink Martini
- No Doubt
- Metallica
- Evanescence
10. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
- water
- Ribena
- Milo + plant milk powder
- coarse brown rice
- Jus Tea
11. First Grade Teacher Name?
- Huang Li Li(however u spell it)
12. Last Words You Said:
- btw, cute dog
13. Last Song You Sang?
- Jimmy Eat World-WORK
14. Last Person You Hugged?
- my mommy
15. Last Thing You Laughed At?
- er, don remember
16. Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
- this morning to my mommy
17. Last Time You Cried?
- I cry too much, there's no such thing as las time, it's always
18. What's In Your CD Player?
- green day cetak rompak CD-American Idiot
19. What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
- I don wear socks
20. What's Under Your Bed?
- nothing scary
21. What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
- 12pm
22.Current Taste?
- light n easy
23. Current Hair?
- in a tight ponytail
24. Current Clothes?
- why always ask this wan . yer......
25. Current Annoyance?
- repetitive questions in surveys
26. Current Longing?
- JPA scholarship
27. Current Desktop Picture?
- Garfield n friends
28. Current Worry?
29. Current Hate?
- I'm so fat
30. Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?
- hands, fingers, nose, short short hair
31. Last CD You Bought?
- marilyn manson-lest we forget; it sucks, wakakaka
32. Favorite Place To Be?
- six feet under
33. Least Favorite Place?
- Sin Min
34. If You Could Play An Instrument?
- guitar
35. Favorite Color?
- black n blue
36. Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
- hmm, donno
37. How Tall Are You?
- around 5' 2"
38. Current Favorite Word/Saying?
- Oooo
39. Favorite Book?
- too many ler
40. Favorite Season?
- I donno
41. One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
- my ma, tell her, don bring me to this world
42. Favorite Day?
- my funeral
43. Where Would You Like To Go?
- take me away
44. What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
- I donno
45. Type A Line You Remember From Any Book:
- erm... I need to go bathe now
- forget to brush my teeth
- cry easily
- over eat
- whine n complain
2. Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
- a reason to live
- JPA scholarship
- confidence
- a good figure
3. Name Four Scents You Love:
- The smell of Harry Potter books when they were new
- JC olive shampoo
- PH 5.5 body shampoo smell
- lip ice, lemon flavored
4. Name Four People That Know You the Best:
I'm often misunderstood
5. Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
- anything pink
- anything that makes me look fat
- condoms
- I hate buttons n collars
6. Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
- dinner
- KST's wrath
- I shud lose weight
- I shud go n bathe
7. Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
- tuned my guitar
- online chatting
- this is my third survey
- eat, digested n wat do u call penyahtinjaan in english?
8. Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
- calzone
- razors
- a black top
- black rubber bands
9. Name Five Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
- Green Day
- Pink Martini
- No Doubt
- Metallica
- Evanescence
10. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
- water
- Ribena
- Milo + plant milk powder
- coarse brown rice
- Jus Tea
11. First Grade Teacher Name?
- Huang Li Li(however u spell it)
12. Last Words You Said:
- btw, cute dog
13. Last Song You Sang?
- Jimmy Eat World-WORK
14. Last Person You Hugged?
- my mommy
15. Last Thing You Laughed At?
- er, don remember
16. Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
- this morning to my mommy
17. Last Time You Cried?
- I cry too much, there's no such thing as las time, it's always
18. What's In Your CD Player?
- green day cetak rompak CD-American Idiot
19. What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
- I don wear socks
20. What's Under Your Bed?
- nothing scary
21. What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
- 12pm
22.Current Taste?
- light n easy
23. Current Hair?
- in a tight ponytail
24. Current Clothes?
- why always ask this wan . yer......
25. Current Annoyance?
- repetitive questions in surveys
26. Current Longing?
- JPA scholarship
27. Current Desktop Picture?
- Garfield n friends
28. Current Worry?
29. Current Hate?
- I'm so fat
30. Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?
- hands, fingers, nose, short short hair
31. Last CD You Bought?
- marilyn manson-lest we forget; it sucks, wakakaka
32. Favorite Place To Be?
- six feet under
33. Least Favorite Place?
- Sin Min
34. If You Could Play An Instrument?
- guitar
35. Favorite Color?
- black n blue
36. Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
- hmm, donno
37. How Tall Are You?
- around 5' 2"
38. Current Favorite Word/Saying?
- Oooo
39. Favorite Book?
- too many ler
40. Favorite Season?
- I donno
41. One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
- my ma, tell her, don bring me to this world
42. Favorite Day?
- my funeral
43. Where Would You Like To Go?
- take me away
44. What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
- I donno
45. Type A Line You Remember From Any Book:
- erm... I need to go bathe now
1. do you get jealous easily?
yes, but I don think it matters since I keep it to myself
2. what have u been doing these past few days?
Online chatting, waiting for JPA, anticipating a KST meet up
3. last movie u watched?
Star Wars - revenge of the sith
4. fave song?
at the moment, Jimmy Eat World - WORK
5. what are u planning to do this week?
modify my backpack n pack for my camp in june
6. do u smoke?
7. any people in-love with u right now?
he's not telling me, obviously
8. do u prefer sms or talking on the phone?
both are good
9. are u missing someone right now?
yea, I wan my mommy
10. what are you doing right now?
soul searching
11. when was the last time u recieved an sms?
less than an hour ago
12. five words that fit u ryt now?
I wan my JPA scholarship!
13. name ur good friends?
anyone who gets a new year card from me (I didn sen any this year)
14. one person u want to spend the rest of ur life with?
my mommy
15. what were u doing before this?
another similar survey
16. what are you thinking now?
who am I??
17. what did you do last night?
18. what did you last say to a friend last night?
take care, goodnight
19. what attracts you to a girl/boy?
looks, humor, maturity
20. what makes you happy?
21.what are you wearing now?
shorts N shirt
22.who was the last person you talked to?
23.what do you want to tell someoone?
which one?
24.when is your birthday?
28 feb
25. when is your crush's birthday?
no crush at the moment
26. when did you last smile?
Don remember
27. why did you answer this?
I'm bored.
28. when will you marry?
29. When did u last receive a gift?
not long ago
30. when did you last drink alcoholic beverages?
don remember
yes, but I don think it matters since I keep it to myself
2. what have u been doing these past few days?
Online chatting, waiting for JPA, anticipating a KST meet up
3. last movie u watched?
Star Wars - revenge of the sith
4. fave song?
at the moment, Jimmy Eat World - WORK
5. what are u planning to do this week?
modify my backpack n pack for my camp in june
6. do u smoke?
7. any people in-love with u right now?
he's not telling me, obviously
8. do u prefer sms or talking on the phone?
both are good
9. are u missing someone right now?
yea, I wan my mommy
10. what are you doing right now?
soul searching
11. when was the last time u recieved an sms?
less than an hour ago
12. five words that fit u ryt now?
I wan my JPA scholarship!
13. name ur good friends?
anyone who gets a new year card from me (I didn sen any this year)
14. one person u want to spend the rest of ur life with?
my mommy
15. what were u doing before this?
another similar survey
16. what are you thinking now?
who am I??
17. what did you do last night?
18. what did you last say to a friend last night?
take care, goodnight
19. what attracts you to a girl/boy?
looks, humor, maturity
20. what makes you happy?
21.what are you wearing now?
shorts N shirt
22.who was the last person you talked to?
23.what do you want to tell someoone?
which one?
24.when is your birthday?
28 feb
25. when is your crush's birthday?
no crush at the moment
26. when did you last smile?
Don remember
27. why did you answer this?
I'm bored.
28. when will you marry?
29. When did u last receive a gift?
not long ago
30. when did you last drink alcoholic beverages?
don remember
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